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extrapole designs, produces and distributes sensitive objects which restore fragments or paths of investigation: documentaries, interviews, articles, artist books. Results of partnerships, wanderings, ongoing quests, the project that extrapolates dedicates to the gesture of publication is open to other actors, researchers, artists who question practices and their intersections, their possibilities, their failures and their desires for commitment…

Arts & Vulnerabilities​
Research Project Extrapole / KDAC (2022 - 2024)


Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo.

extrapole with
 the journal Agencement(s)
Recherches et pratiques en expérimentation

Since March 2022 extrapole has been involved in the editorial committee of the journal Agencements - Recherches et pratiques sociales en expérimentation.

Agencements interrogates the diversity of experiments undertaken today in society, in a critical rapport with the dominant logics, whether these experiments concern the fields of art, politics, social issues, architecture or care services, and the list stops not there. Agencements tends towards contributing to the renewal of critical engagement by taking interest in the initiatives engaged by activists or professionals aiming at bringing about new forms of life and activity that are more egalitarian, autonomous and collective. These experiments involve practices of co-creation and cooperation; experiments that express a power of citizen action, developed as closely as possible to the realities of life. They are born on a variety of terrains: during occupations (brownfields and wasteland, designated development areas), within the framework of communities of practice and experience (spaces where the experience of users, patients or yet inhabitants are shared), on a material level (cooperatives, common gardens, short circuits...) as well as immaterial (free software, collaborative knowledge, alternative education...). They reflect a strong desire to create commonality and to create together and togethers in living areas, in the workplace and on the Internet.


Ensures the tasks of layout, printing, relationship with distributors and bookstores, and follow-up.


See also :

Le nœud de Prusik verso et reverso

le noeud de Prusik

"Faced with the possibility of the emergence of the possible, Art Institutions must face the structural presence of the impossible.

Artistic Institutions should be empowered to deal with the arising of the impossible."


Émilie Notéris is a text worker, in the sense that she has put this text to work at the service of the artistic institutions that have contacted her and made her the proposal to write, based on their work experiences and the pooling of their skills and desires.

Sharing the investigation

In March 2017 Agnès Henry (extrapole) leads, in collaboration with Emmanuelle Segura, a survey on the evolution of artistic and cultural action, taking as a field of observation three Grenoble institutions: the CCN2, the Magasin des horizons, and the CDC Le pacifique.

In July 2018, as part of this investigation, the institutions adopted the name Trilogy.

In October 2018, the author Emilie Notéris is invited to produce a fiction based on this enquiry.

In 2021, The Prusik's Knot was published.

Mes pieds sont des troncs - Bonds et rebonds de l’atelier Catalyse

A film initiated and designed by Agnès Henry, directed by Pierre Louis Lacouture and edited by Aloyse Leledy. An order from the CNCA.



"My feet are trunks. My hands are branches, my hair too. My head is a long neck (…) I am immense, I touch the sky with my robust trunk!"

The Catalyse troupe's performers are the authors of the texts they perform in Gulliver, the Last Journey, inspired by Jonathan Swift. They talk to us about being "the first of a new world", about metaphysics, emancipation, personal or more universal interests. The Atelier Catalyse was initiated in Morlaix in 1984 within an ESAT (work support establishment and service) by Madeleine Louarn, then an educator and now a director. Together, they travel the paths of theatrical creation and the roads of the French artistic scenes.

My feet are trunks is a documentary film on the Catalyse troupe, initiated and designed by the researcher Agnès Henry, directed by Louis Pierre-Lacouture and edited by Aloyse Leledy: it presents the daily work of these professional performers with mental disabilities with the artists and professionals who surround them, and allows us to understand the genesis of the National Center for Adapted Creation, inaugurated in 2021 which supports artists and artistic proposals involving people in vulnerable situations.

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