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Anchored in the performing arts since 2007, extrapole has developed a number of companionships.


The investigations in which we have participated and the artists which we have met were terrains of observation and engagement decisive in defining and investing in the fields that interest us today.


Our range of proposals has been intentionally eclectic.  We have been interested in works favouring experimental and hybrid dimensions, which question the contexts and formats of contemporary creation.


We have supported these cultural operators with a view to European and international cooperation.


You will find on this page the companionship, production and intervention history from 2007 to 2018.

Festival Tokyo - Consulting mission 


Prefiguration study for the development of the 

« Asia-EU Art Open Platform».

Partner : Festival/Tokyo, Tokyo, Japon • Program Director : Chiaki Soma.

CCNCB - Cross residencies
2009 ~ 2012

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Based on the NCC's hosting mission and the "Danse d'ailleurs" festival, setting up a cross-residency programme for emerging choreographic artists with the Korean SPAF festival and the Seoul Dance Collection.

Partners: CCNCBN (National choereographic Centre ofCaen) • SPAF (Seoul Performing Arts Festival)

Taipei Flora expo - Bilateral co-operation 

Taipei Flora Expo.jpg
Implementation of a one and a half year bilateral Franco-Taiwanese collaborative, artistic and educational project. This project involved Chinese, French and American artists, a Franco-Taiwanese production team and local amateur groups. 

Partners : Taipei Cultural Foundation • Infinite arts • Theater department of Taipei  University • Ilotopie

KACES - Franco- Korean artistic workshops 
BNF 2011

Programme d’éducation artistique et culturelle itinérant organisé par le Ministère de l'Education coréen en Chine, Angleterre, Australie, aux Etats-Unis et en France; Conception et mise en oeuvre d'actions pédagogiques pour des professeur·e·s des écoles sur la thématique du théâtre d’ombres.

Partners: KACES (Service d'Education Artistique et Culturelle), South Korea - Eun Young Kim Pernelle, Korean puppeteer - with the participation of the Rectorat de Paris and the Parc de la Villette

TNT - European Development 
2009 - 2010

Support for the European and international development of the organisation. Representing the TNT at meetings of the TEH (Trans Europe Halles) network. Production of the travelling project "Where do I live" in collaboration with the artist Andréas Liebmann.

Partners : TNT (Tout Nouveau Théâtre de Bordeaux) • Andréas Liebmann, Swiss German artist  

PIAF - Feasibility study 

Feasibility study for the hosting of the project "La Petite Géante" by the company Royal de Luxe.

Partners : PIAF (Perth International Arts Festival, Australia), directed by Shelagh Magadza.

Bel Ebat Farm - Consulting mission

Consulting mission on the assembly of a particular artistic event around Buto dance.

Partners: Bel Ebat Farm , Guyancourt Theater • Ariadone Company, Carlotta Ikeda.

Ferme de Bel Ebat - Artistic consultancy

Ariadone Carlotta Ikeda-zarathoustra-_laurencine Lot.jpg
Consulting mission on the organisation of an artistic event revolving around Buto dance.

Partners : Ferme de Bel Ebat, Théâtre de Guyancourt • Compagnie Ariadone, Carlotta Ikeda.

In Situ - Advisory services

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Consulting mission for the international development of the "Banda Europa" project: setting up a travelling European contemporary music orchestra. 

Partners :  Réseau In Situ, Lieux Publics, Marseille, coordinated by Jean-Sébastien Steil.
©Lieve Boussauw

The artists

Production, administration

Maguy Marin & Denis Mariotte - Ça quand même


Denis Mariotte - Figures : suite et fin, Prises/Reprises, Minute papillon, Parcelles


Jordi Gali - T, Ciel, Abscisse, Maibaum


Ding Ding Dong - Bons Baisers de Huntingtonland


La Linea - La structure phénomène


Antonija Livingstone & Nadia Lauro -  Études Hérétiques 1-7 


Plaforme Mua - Emmanuelle Huynh

Development , international touring

Jordi Gali - arrangement provisoire (2008-2017)


Ilotopie - inventions interventions artistiques (2007-2016)


Théâtre du Radeau - François Tanguy (2007-2013)


Eszter Salamon - danse (2010-2013)


Martin Chaput et Martial Chazallon - DYSWIM, projet in situ (2010-2013)


Nathalie Béasse - théâtre (2009-2014)


Ex-Nihilo - art dans l'espace public (2008-2011)


Catherine Baÿ - arts visuels (2008)


Bambucco et Caracol - contes et installation (2007)


abd -Lenio Kaklea & Lou


Forster (2015-18)


S-Composition (2014-2017)


Maguelone Vidal (2016)


Catherine Froment (2016)


Amélie Poirier (2014)


La Zampa (2014)


Raimund Hogue (2013-2014)


Anne Collod (2013)​


Contour Progressif (2012)


Atelier Recherche Scène (2012)


Compagnie Malka (2012)


Laboratoire Zaa (2009)


Yuval Pick (2009)

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