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Korean Disability Arts
& Culture Center

The objective of the partnership between Extrapole and the I-Eum (art center) is to strengthen the means of action between European and Korean stages, by the joint implementation of an ensemble of interventions and the development of events, linking the fields of culture, education and research.  It is also about establishing connections between "classic" artistic networks and those intended for people with disabilities.


We pool our skills in terms of:


- co-analysis (EU and Korean contexts, challenges, opportunities);

- innovation (research and development for the co-design of projects and events);

- operation (joint implementation, monitoring);

- internationalization and distribution (networks);

- resources (regrouping resources from different fields);

- co-evaluation (reports and recommendations).



In this context, extrapole and the KDAC have launched a series of vignettes, portraits presenting a variety of actor.trice.s, practices and research. In this manner, we wish to introduce to the Korean artistic community the work of artists, companies, artistic centers, places of residence and European organizations rich in inspiration and reflection on the themes of diversity and the opening up of the art worlds to minorities, including artists with disabilities.

Michel S

Michel Schweizer is an unclassifiable French artist, choreographer and director. His company, which he names "La Coma, profit center” is based in the south of France. At the crossroads of the performing arts, visual arts and a certain idea of ​​"the business company", his numerous creations question on stage a societal or human reality, his statements and representations summoning a diversity of always unexpected communities.


Future partner of the Korean Disability Arts & Culture Center, Michel Schweizer will travel to Korea for a first visit and a residency in 2021, from which he will unite a Korean team of professional and amateur artists desiring a stimulating experience.

Compagnie de l'Oiseau-Mouche

For over twenty years, the Compagnie de l’Oiseau-Mouche develops an original repertoire based on collaboration with director.trice.s or choreographers with eclectic aesthetics. The company develops a profuse activity, with its 23 permanent mentally handicapped actors. The company also manages a place of residences and training for performing artists as well as a restaurant.

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